Category Archives: Educational Institution

На саммите ООН Михаил Пелег подчеркнул роль образования в достижении Целей устойчивого развития до 2030 года

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, США, 21-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Как сообщается, предприниматель и филантроп Михаил Пелег недавно присоединился к делегации мировых бизнес-лидеров на саммите ООН по Целям Устойчивого Развития (ЦУР) 2023 года в Нью-Йорке. Международное мероприятие, которое проходило 18-19 сентября, предоставило платформу для обсуждения перспективных действий, направленных на ускорение движения к Повестке дня на 2030 год и Целям устойчивого развития.

Собрание было инициировано Президентом Генеральной Ассамблеи и отметило половину пути к достижению амбициозной Повестки дня на 2030 год. Саммит стал центральным событием для ряда других значимых мероприятий, включая Саммит по климату, диалоги высокого уровня по финансированию развития, встречи по вопросам здравоохранения и министерскую встречу в подготовке к Саммиту Будущего 2024 года.

В ходе саммита Михаил Пелег подчеркнул важность генерации идей и инициатив, которые помогут преодолеть препятствия на пути к достижению ЦУР. Он выразил признательность роли саммита в развитии глобального диалога и установлении связей между коммерцией, образованием и устойчивым развитием. Помогая развивать ключевые инициативы, саммит имеет потенциал положительно влиять на жизни миллионов людей по всему миру.

Акцент Михаила Пелега на образование как ключевой компонент в достижении Целей устойчивого развития был повторно подчеркнут на недавнем мероприятии ÐœÐµÐ¶Ð´ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дня грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года.

Высоко оценивая важность образования, Михаил Пелег активно ищет партнерства с некоммерческими организациями, стремящимися предоставить доступ к образованию и бороться с неграмотностью в развивающихся странах Африки и Юго-Восточной Азии. По мнению Пелега, решение глобальных образовательных диспаритетов имеет ключевое значение для установления мира, искоренения бедности и продвижения устойчивого развития.

По мнению Михаила Пелега, саммит ЦУР является важной платформой, объединяющей людей в качестве глобального сообщества для решения ключевых вопросов и инвестирования в будущее нашей планеты. Только в результате совместного сотрудничества, мы можем достичь Целей устойчивого развития и создать более справедливое и стабильное будущее для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

PARIS, 2-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCASTION NEWS/ — Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие, посвящённое Международному дню грамотности, которое прошло в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года. Темой этого года было “Продвижение грамотности для меняющегося мира: создание основы для устойчивых и мирных обществ.” Пелег подчеркнул важность образования в современном мире и неотложную необходимость искоренения неграмотности во всем мире.

Как сообщается, в своем выступлении Михаил Пелег привлек внимание к статистике образовательного неравенства в мире. Приблизительно 244 миллиона детей и молодежи по всему миру не посещают школу, в то время как 763 миллиона взрослых не обладают базовыми навыками грамотности. По данным ЮНЕСКО, чтобы достичь универсального начального и среднего образования к 2030 году, миру потребуется оценочно 69 миллионов учителей.

Будучи успешным предпринимателем высоко-ценящим роль образования, Михаил Пелег все больше усделяет внимание благотворительности по проблеме неграмотности. Как сообщяется, недавно Пелег запустил собственныю некоммерческую инициативу, направленную на укрепление прав человека через доступ к образованию.

Во время мероприятия по случаю Международного дня грамотности Михаил Пелег выразил свое намерение сотрудничать с известными благотворительными организациями, такими как Международная Ассоциация Грамотности. Цель инициативы –  Ð¾Ð±ÐµÑÐ¿ÐµÑ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ доступ к образованию, возможностям и ресурсам, которые будут способствовать развитию ключевых навыков чтения, письма, общения и критического мышления среди детей по всему миру.

Михаил Пелег подчеркнул чрезвычайную важность образования, особенно в регионах мира, пострадавших от кризисов. Образование служит маяком надежды для создания мирных обществ. В регионах, пострадавших от кризисов, где конфликты и нестабильность разрушают инфраструктуру и приводят к нищите, образование становится еще более важным.

Грамотность, в частности, играет ключевую роль в продвижении мира, стабильности, социальной и экономической реконструкции, а также общего развития в регионах, сталкивающихся с кризисами. Обеспечение доступного и качественного образования в этих районах – это не только вопрос укрепления прав граждан, но и решающий шаг к воспитанию устойчивого общества, способного преодолевать проблемы и двигаться к прогрессу.

Михаил Пелег выразил свою точку зрения относительно значения развития грамотности в регионах, пострадавших от конфликтов. Давая людям возможность читать, писать и получать доступ к знаниям, грамотность не только открывает двери к экономическим возможностям, но и способствует пониманию, терпимости и сочувствию среди разнообразных обществ. Она служит катализатором положительных изменений и способствует социальной связанности в периоды беспорядка.

Участие Пелега в мероприятии ЮНЕСКО продемонстрировало его неизменное стремление сделать образование основным правом, доступным для всех. Через свои благотворительные начинания в сфере образования, Михаил Пелег стремится двигать мир к светлому, более справедливому будущему для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Second WebClip2Go video production system to be installed at TU Delft

Second WebClip2Go video production system to be installed at TU Delft

VEENENDAAL, The Netherlands, 2020-Mar-28 — /EPR Education News/ — WebClip2Go is proud to announce that it is in the process of delivering and installing a second video production system at the Delft University of Technology, just six months after delivery of their original system. This means that Delft now joins the ranks of Leuven and the Erasmus University Rotterdam as a two-unit WebClip2Go organization.

The enthusiasm with which the first system was received within the university’s audiovisual department provided clear motivation and justification for the purchase of a second system, which will be installed at its Aerospace Engineering faculty.

“Quite simply, teachers have found the WebClip2Go system very beneficial for their teaching load”, said Michel Beerens, Head of the NewMedia Centre at the Delft University of Technology. “Teachers like the system because it’s incredibly easy for them to use, the production values are exceptionally high, and it delivers a teaching resource that can be used again and again – making for more efficient content delivery.”

The WebClip2Go system is a completely unique approach to the production of presenter-based video content – turning conventional approaches to editing and filming on their head, and allowing non-professional users to create professional-level content.

Essentially, the workflow process associated with traditional production is reversed. An easy-to-use system allows for the creation of professional-level ‘templates’ – including all the transitions, animations, titles, colour grading, sound FX, and animated elements that you would expect.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

From paper textbooks to electronic scripts of lessons: the rapid path of Russian education to high technologies

MOSCOW, Russia, 2019-May-24 — /EPR  EDUCATION NEWS/ —  Any changes take time, and education reform all the more. This is a long and painstaking process with a lot of pitfalls. We are telling how the Moscow Department of Education managed to transform the educational system beyond recognition in a few years, turning it into one of the exemplary world models.

Just a few years ago, the backpack of an ordinary Russian school student was not easy to pick up — textbooks and additional materials in all subjects, exercise books, writing materials, and sports uniforms and shoes. Parents of pupils even in elementary school were perplexed how their children carry it to school every day.

Today the backpack of the Moscow school student has become twice as light. The fact is that now it’s not necessary for children to carry all paper textbooks with them. It is enough to have a tablet with you: all the training materials necessary for the lessons are digitized, stored in the cloud storage of the Moscow Electronic School and are always ready for use. The same is true of additional literature, works of art, and even tests: instead of leaflets or notebooks “for controls,” there are interactive tests on a tablet or in a laptop. In the same tablet or even on the phone, students can always see the lesson schedule, find out about new grades, or even do their homework.

But the most important thing that greatly facilitates the work of teachers is ready-made electronic scripts for lessons in all subjects. Work on creating a database of such multimedia scenarios has been going on for several years, since the launch of the MES program – the Moscow Electronic School. To date, the arsenal of Moscow teachers has more than 33,000 approved scenarios developed by professionals. These scenarios are in the electronic library of educational materials, and every Moscow teacher has access to it. Any teacher registered in the system can use these materials absolutely free of charge – it makes preparing for a lesson easier and more convenient. In this library you can find hundreds more textbooks prepared by other teachers, tens of thousands of comprehensive educational applications and even prototype laboratories on a number of subjects. So far, there are no analogues to such a resource anywhere in the world.

The work of Moscow teachers has also become much easier. First, all school teachers are provided with laptops or desktops. Each class has an interactive whiteboard and there are printers – if one of the students doesn’t have a tablet or laptop with him, all materials necessary for the lesson can be printed at any time.

Options such as an electronic diary and an electronic journal allow teachers to design a curriculum using various curricula, as well as create a class schedule, create their own author assignments, or use ready-made tests from an electronic library.

In general, thanks to the emergence of the Moscow e-school, parents, students and teachers received a unique system for all participants of the educational process. It is now convenient for teachers to communicate directly with parents of students through an electronic diary, so even parent meetings are now much faster and more fruitful. Parents from any device can always familiarize themselves with the success of the children, check what is set and warn the teacher that the child will miss classes on a given day.

School classes are another theme we want to dwell on. We have already said that all classes are equipped with interactive whiteboards – touch screen panels, which the teacher can use as traditional school blackboards, or show students selected photo and video materials, and even remotely visit the city’s museums! But this is not limited to this. Now classes of Moscow schools are becoming high-tech centers, workshops and laboratories. The project of introducing specialized and preprofessional classes has been implemented in the capital of Russia since 2015. Now students in Moscow schools can study in medical, engineering, natural science classes, fully immersed in the atmosphere of the profession already in grades 8-9.

All that we have listed – only the most impressive facts. In fact, the process is much broader and more interesting. The global goal of this Russian educational reform is to create a modern digital educational environment capable of quickly adapting to the ever-changing realities of life, ready for the emergence of new professions and specialties. You can learn more about the Moscow education reform at Bett Educar in Brazil. Virtual excursions in Moscow specialized classes and master classes devoted to the Moscow Electronic School project are waiting for visitors.

International Moscow Forum “City of Education” is one of the most significant events in the world of metropolitan education. The main objective of the forum is the exchange of experience in the development of various stages of the educational process, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate the latest educational technologies, resources and equipment. With all the latest innovations and advanced educational technologies will be available at the next forum “City of Education”, which will be held in Moscow from August 29 to September 1, 2019.


Spain wipes out the competition and is named as the ideal country to study abroad

The first ranking of this type reveals what international students seek as a destination to study abroad

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 19-Mar-2019 – / EPR EDUCATION NEWS / – Spain gets the first position as the best destination to study in Europe, in a ranking recently published by the higher education search portal,

In the first created ranking of this type, used the results of its survey based on different parameters and criteria that highlight the journey of a future international student in the search of the country as the preferred destination. More than 20,000 students worldwide, revealed what is the most important parameter to choose a university: The location. These factors included being able to experience a new culture, access to a higher quality education and being able to live an adventure among other criteria. The correlation of the data used showed that selecting a country is the most important step in the student’s decision-making process.

Demonstrating its power of international student attraction, Spain achieved the first place in the European ranking and the second place in the world ranking. With a relatively low cost of living, with more than 70 universities to choose from, a rich historical artistic heritage together with an unparalleled cultural and tourist offer, Spain is a great option for any potential international student.

“International students have different considerations when it comes to choosing a university and program for their international studies. We believe that Spanish universities offer an exceptional environment for students from all over the world to obtain a high quality education in a country that offers so many cultural opportunities “, says the CIO of, Fredrik Högemark.

European ranking link:

World ranking link:

About is part of the digital media group EMG – Educations Media Group, a leader in educational marketing in Northern Europe. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, EMG reaches students from all over the world through its online platforms and marketing services for companies, public and private schools and universities around the world.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Popular science magazine Scientific European brings cutting edge relevant scientific advances to general audience

Tadworth, Surrey, United Kingdom, 21-Jan-2018 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — UK Education Consultancy Services Ltd announced that the premiere issue of Scientific European® (a popular science magazine) is released today on 19 January 2018.

Abbreviated as SCIEU®, the magazine Scientific European® (pISSN 2515-9534; eISSN 2514-9542) aims to bring current happenings in science to a wider audience to make them aware of advances in the scientific fields. Interesting and relevant ideas from diverse areas of science are conveyed with clarity and concision. The articles present ideas that have already been published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the recent past. It is both online and print magazine released on a monthly basis and is targeted at general readers of all age groups and geographies who are interested in science and technology.

Umesh Prasad, Founder & Editor-in-Chief said ‘’We always thought there was a greater need to bring cutting edge relevant scientific advances to general audience across the globe for their appreciation because at the end of the day science must serve society and intellectual stimulation of the people has the potential to further advance science itself. The idea to launch a popular science magazine titled Scientific European arose out of my discussion with Cambridge alumnus molecular biologist Dr Rajeev Soni and here we are with the maiden issue of Scientific European (SCIEU). With immense pleasure, we bring to you hugely relevant recent scientific advances on six key themes, compiled and presented by Jasmita Gill and I. With this we embark on the eternal journey to bring scientific advances to the living rooms of the people across the world’’.

More information about the magazine can be found at;

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Book Trust Welcomes Nationally Recognized Literacy Experts to Academic Advisory Board

Nell Duke, Linda Gambrell, and others join Academic Advisory Board

Denver, CO, Mar-21-2017 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — National literacy nonprofit Book Trust announces the establishment of an Academic Advisory Board, formed to ensure that ongoing enhancements and expansion of its national literacy program are informed by the latest research and best practices in literacy education. Members of the Book Trust Advisory Board include several nationally recognized leaders in the field.

“We are honored and delighted to welcome these esteemed literacy experts to our Academic Advisory Board,” said Book Trust CEO Amy Friedman. “Benefitting from the collective experience and wisdom of this panel is going to have an enormously positive effect on our ability to continually refine and improve our program. Our collaboration will ensure that Book Trust is an evidence-based model, designed to produce positive reading outcomes for kids.”

Book Trust Advisory Board members include Nell Duke, Professor in Literacy, Language and Culture and and in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology, the University of Michigan, KaiLonnie Dunsmore, Principal Research Scientist, NROC at the University of Chicago, Linda Gambrell, Distinguished Professor of Education, Clemson University, Ernest Morrell, Macy Professor of English Education and Director of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, D. Ray Ruetzel, Dean College of Education, University of Wyoming, and facilitator Darren Cambridge, President of Cambridge Learning Group.

“Collectively, these experts bring innovative and research-based thinking to the core components of the Book Trust program: Choice, Celebration and Consistency,” adds Book Trust Board Chair Ron Lowy. “Our mutual goal is to create engaged independent readers, and this advisory team will bring considerable knowledge to bear on that mission.”

Members of the advisory group will convene twice a year and will also be available informally as needed to make recommendations to the Book Trust team. Each member will serve a one-year, renewable term.

“Book Trust’s program is innovative and robust, and as they continue to expand nationally, folding the latest research into their program strategy will help them continue to deliver impact and value to students. I am pleased to be invited to help in this role,” says Nell Duke, whose work focuses on early literacy development, particularly among children living in poverty.

About Book Trust
Book Trust is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower children from low-income families to choose and own books, inspiring a passion for reading that leads to cultivating increased literacy skills and life-long learning. Book Trust currently serves 50,000 students in 19 U.S. states. Since 2001, Book Trust has facilitated over 6 million book choices, and placed them in the hands of students in need.


Amy Friedman, CEO

ASPIRA of PA Continues its Rapid Expansion and Growth

It’s hard to believe that just five years ago ASPIRA, Inc. of Pennsylvania (ASPIRA of PA) was a relatively small community-based organization with less than 100 employees and an operating budget around $2 million. Today, ASPIRA of PA has over 750 employees and a budget that exceeds $58 million. In the past five years, ASPIRA of PA has emerged as a leader in education reform and a trailblazer among North Philadelphia charter schools. In addition to becoming a charter management organization in 2008, ASPIRA of PA has also expanded the scope of its enrichment programs and greatly increased the number of students served by its programs and schools. Take a look at the following figures to learn more about ASPIRA of PA’s recent growth and accomplishments.

Since 2008 ASPIRA of PA has:

•  Expanded from 1 charter school to 5 charter schools, including 2 traditional charter schools, 2 turnaround schools, and 1 cyber school.

•  Grown from serving about 550 students to over 4,000 students.

•  Increased its real-estate assets and property management from a 30,000 sq. ft. building to over 1 million sq. ft. in facilities.

•  Expanded from serving 5 grades to a complete PreK – 12 th grade, cradle to college/career model.

•  More than doubled the number of enrichment programs it provides.

ASPIRA of PA plans to continue its growth and expansion in the coming year through new initiatives like a Community Technology Center and a district-wide science fair for all five ASPIRA schools.

Via EPR Network
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New Language Classes Set to Begin April 23 at Maria Oliveira’s Language Learning Center

Spring Two term language classes begin April 23 at Maria’s Language Learning Center, with a variety of affordable conversational language classes, online courses as well as Spanish for healthcare and social services professionals. Specializing in conversational Spanish and Portuguese, including European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, the Language Learning Center also provides classes in French, Italian, Mandarin, and English for Non-Native Speakers. Classes are primarily for adult learners, but there is also an after-school program for students between ages 7 and 11, with each term lasting six weekly sessions, at both day and evening classes.

“Our classes feature small groups of 10 or less students which provides more time for individual attention and faster learning”, explains Maria Oliveira, director of Maria’s Language Learning Center, located in Pinole, California. “We work closely with our students to guide them towards becoming bilingual, whether it is through a conversational language class, online options, or even our language classes for healthcare and social services professionals.”

The Language Learning Center also offers online courses, workbooks, and audio learning materials. These study aids provide practice lessons, self-tests with interactive exercises, quizzes, and audio clips to review correct pronunciations which supplement classroom learning.

Recognizing that individuals learn languages differently, there are a variety of other programs offered to meet students’ needs, such as one-on-one instruction; learning groups that meet weekly; and free social hours for students to practice their language skills with teachers, fellow students, and bilingual guests. Maria’s Language Learning Center also has specialized English classes for non-native speakers, plus classes on specific topics, such as classes on Spanish reflexive verbs and pronouns, for those students who need a review.

New Spanish for Healthcare Providers at UC Davis Medical Center

Maria will be teaching two sessions of Spanish for healthcare professionals at the UC Davis Medical Center starting April 8. This specialized and intensive Spanish language course is designed to enhance effective communication between patients and their healthcare providers (nurses, doctors, medical staff). Emphasis is on basic, practical language needed to communicate with Spanish speaking patients and their families at the hospital or doctor’s office, on the telephone, or at the patient’s home. Space is limited learn more at

Informational Open House Scheduled for April 19, 2013

Be sure to attend this great opportunity to meet fellow students, talk with Maria and other teachers, ask questions, and even practice your language skills in a relaxed social setting. Learn about the Language Learning Center and its programs and enjoy light refreshments. The Open House will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Center at 2644 Appian Way, Suite 102, in Pinole, California. Bring a friend and if that friend registers for a class, you will receive a 10% discount on your registration for a Spring Two session. The open house is free, but space is limited, so please rsvp on the website at

Register for Spring Two Classes Now!

Students can register for any program online, by phone, in person at our offices, or by mail. For more information, visit our website: or call 1-877-251-8353.

The goal for all of the classes at the Center is to guide students towards becoming bilingual. We start by teaching basic phrases and sentences that become usable in a very short period of time; when success builds upon success, confidence grows and information becomes easier to absorb. Affordability, convenience, and an encouraging environment make Maria Oliveira’s classes the top choice for effective language learning in the Bay Area.

Via EPR Network
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Center for Scholastic Inquiry Offers Cost-Free Research Publication to Conference Presenters

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry announced promotional pricing for its upcoming international academic research conference and peer-reviewed academic journals. Professionals and practitioners in the fields of education, business and behavioral sciences who present their academic or action research at CSI’s Scottsdale conference are able to publish the research in one of the company’s refereed journals at no cost.

When behavioral science, education and business practitioners and professionals register to attend and present their research at the Center for Scholastic Inquiry’s InternationalAcademic Research Conference, CSI will waive all submission review and preprocess fees for their corresponding paper to be published. This is a $475.00 savings for those who take advantage of the offer.

“This offer makes presenting and publishing academic and action research achievable and very cost effective,” said Dr. Tanya Yerigan, CEO of the Center for Scholastic Inquiry, “By packaging our conference and publication offering together, we make meaningful professional development manageable for our attendees,”

The academic research conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on April 17, 18 and 19. Attendees can join the conference eve reception, attend the two-day keynote address, and present and hear contemporary research of interest to them during multi-format breakout sessions in four tracks: multidisciplinary, education, behavioral sciences and business. The keynote topic is leadership and will provide action principles and strategies applicable in any education, business or behavioral science field. Read more about full conference details.

Education, behavioral science and business professionals who register for the conference by October 3, 2012, will be eligible for this promotional offer. In addition to cost-free publishing, attendees will promote scholarly research, advance best practice and elevate their professional authority and expertise. Promotion details are available.

Professionals and practitioners interested in attending or presenting can learn more about the conference by visiting CSI’s website ( or contacting the company.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Academic Research Conference Call for Papers Now Open

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry is pleased to announce its inaugural academic research conference on April 17-19, 2013, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference highlights academic research in education, business and behavioral sciences to support superior, break through scholarship and establish a platform to recognize and celebrate luminaries, pioneers and practitioners in the professions of education, business and behavioral sciences.

The conference, which is being held at a luxury desert resort, will be preceded by a conference-eve reception followed by three days of education, business and behavioral sciences track breakout sessions, morning keynote addresses, and networking gatherings. This inquiry-focused conference, centered on leading edge academic research, is a stimulating and dynamic event aimed at identifying and advancing best practice and promising innovative methods.

The conference call for papers is now open and will close March 15, 2013. Individuals are encouraged to submit proposals that focus on landmark scientific findings, promotion of best practice, advancement of evidence-based practice, ground-breaking research, revolutionary theory or innovative technique in the fields of education, business or behavioral sciences. Guidelines for submissions are available for review.
Early registration for conference attendance is currently open.  Standard registration for conference attendance begins November 1, 2012.  Individuals are welcome to review conference details or take advantage of early registration rates.

About the Center for Scholastic Inquiry
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry was established to provide education, business and behavioral science professionals with a scholarly forum for exploring and sharing the latest academic research in their respective fields.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Screenwise Acting School Announces Upcoming Short Courses In Sydney

Screenwise, the Sydney TV & Film Acting School that boasts Spartacus Blood and Sand star Andy Whitfield and Legend Of The Seeker star Tabrett Bethell amongst it’s alumni, announces several upcoming short courses from Beginners through to Advanced acting levels.

One of their most popular short courses is the Screen Acting for Beginners which is tutored by experienced actor Philip Holder. This six week acting course, which commences on 5th of July 2012, covers Screen Acting Basics including improvisation, interpretation and scene analysis.

Should students wish to continue with their acting studies, there is a six week Screen Acting Intermediate course tutored by Screen and Stage Actor, Alan Flower. Like Screen Acting for Beginners, this six week course runs one class per week over six weeks and covers ‘The Unique You’ – Reacting – Not acting, with focus on listening as the key. The Australian film and television industry on the whole is looking for unique personalities who can set the screen alight. This intermediate acting course focuses on methods that will help actors present in auditions and on set in a relaxed, focused, and charismatic way.

There are also two six week Screen Acting Advanced workshops commencing in July: TheScreen Test Audition Workshop, tutored by Actress and Author, Rhondda Findleton (Blood Brothers, Crownies, East West 101), commences on 18th of July 2012. Always getting a call back, but never getting the role? So close and yet so far? The Screen Test Audition Workshop is for those actors who need to perfect their audition technique.

Screen Acting Advanced with Director Dan Krige (West, Redd Inc) commences on 2nd of July 2012. Dan will give students an opportunity to explore monologue and scene work together with the technical requirements for acting on screen.

For young adults from 12 to 16 years, Screenwise offers a three day School Holiday Presenter’s Workshop tutored by actor/presenter, Di Smith (The Great Outdoors) which commences on 3rd of July 2012. In this Presenting Workshop, teens will explore confidence, spontaneity and personality on camera. They will learn to write and produce their own material and perform on camera and record their work to DVD.

Screenwise also offers young adult actors, from 12 to 16 years, the Screenteens Workshop on Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am during school terms. Past Screenteen students, like Ashleigh Cummings (Puberty Blues, Tomorrow When The World began), have auditioned and appeared in some of Australia’s leading film and TV series such as Home and Away, All Saints, The December Boys, H2O and Blue Water High. Thanks to referrals from Screenwise, many of the students are now represented by some of Sydney’s top Acting Agencies.

In industry related news, former Screenwise student Ashleigh Cummings’ star is quickly on the rise in the local and international Film and TV Industry. Ashleigh who starred in the feature film Tomorrow When The World Began and the ABC’s Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, is now the star of the much anticipated television series, Puberty Blues.

One of their most popular short courses is the Screen Acting for Beginners which is tutored by experienced actor Philip Holder. This six week acting course, which commences on 5th of July 2012, covers Screen Acting Basics including improvisation, interpretation and scene analysis.

Should students wish to continue with their acting studies, there is a six week Screen Acting Intermediate course tutored by Screen and Stage Actor, Alan Flower. Like Screen Acting for Beginners, this six week course runs one class per week over six weeks and covers ‘The Unique You’ – Reacting – Not acting, with focus on listening as the key. The Australian film and television industry on the whole is looking for unique personalities who can set the screen alight. This intermediate acting course focuses on methods that will help actors present in auditions and on set in a relaxed, focused, and charismatic way.

There are also two six week Screen Acting Advanced workshops commencing in July: The Screen Test Audition Workshop, tutored by Actress and Author, Rhondda Findleton (Blood Brothers, Crownies, East West 101), commences on 18th of July 2012. Always getting a call back, but never getting the role? So close and yet so far? The Screen Test Audition Workshop is for those actors who need to perfect their audition technique.

Screen Acting Advanced with Director Dan Krige (West, Redd Inc) commences on 2nd of July 2012. Dan will give students an opportunity to explore monologue and scene work together with the technical requirements for acting on screen.

For young adults from 12 to 16 years, Screenwise offers a three day School Holiday Presenter’s Workshop tutored by actor/presenter, Di Smith (The Great Outdoors) which commences on 3rd of July 2012. In this Presenting Workshop, teens will explore confidence, spontaneity and personality on camera. They will learn to write and produce their own material and perform on camera and record their work to DVD.

Screenwise also offers young adult actors, from 12 to 16 years, the Screenteens Workshop on Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am during school terms. Past Screenteen students, like Ashleigh Cummings (Puberty Blues, Tomorrow When The World began), have auditioned and appeared in some of Australia’s leading film and TV series such as Home and Away, All Saints, The December Boys, H2O and Blue Water High. Thanks to referrals from Screenwise, many of the students are now represented by some of Sydney’s top Acting Agencies.

In industry related news, former Screenwise student Ashleigh Cummings’ star is quickly on the rise in the local and international Film and TV Industry. Ashleigh who starred in the feature film Tomorrow When The World Began and the ABC’s Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, is now the star of the much anticipated television series, Puberty Blues.

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Covington Who’s Who Selects Marilynn E. Force as an Executive Member of the Executive and Professional Registry

Marilynn E. Force, Educational Consultant for the John J. Sullivan Chair Free Enterprise, has been selected as an Honored Member of the Covington Who’s Who Executive and Professional Registry. The selection recognizes Marilynn E. Force’s commitment to excellence in Higher Education.

Force, who holds a BS in Business Administration and an MBA in Finance and Accounting, both from Regis University, is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Business Education from Capella University. She spent numerous years in banking before getting into economic development for the Boulder Chamber of Commerce in Boulder, Colorado.

For the past twenty-three years, Force has been teaching at the university level as an affiliate faculty member. She’s taught at Metro State College of Denver, Webster University, and currently Regis University. Now an educational consultant for the John J. Sullivan Chair for Free Enterprise, Force develops entrepreneurship curriculum, using instructional design processes gained through her research. She supports the Sullivan Chair in continued faculty recruitment, development of programs, interaction with students for all three schools within the University, and community initiatives in which the Sullivan program helps entrepreneurs develop the improvement of businesses in their community with our faculty, students and staff.

“Growing up, I watched my dad be the consummate businessman, running a successful business for twenty-five years,” Force said, admiring his professionalism and inspired by his career. “Every day he reached out to his community for Boy Scout troops and other community causes. He always led by example, caring for things bigger than himself.”

Looking toward the future, Force will develop an entrepreneurship program with the faculty on the Regis campus in Denver. She plans to apply the research from her Doctorate on Learning Process Development and identification, combined with cessation of anxiety for critical thinking to occur for Instructional Design to support the Sullivan Program. She now consults on education matters nationally.

Force is a member of the Regis University Public Affairs Council, is a Habitat for Humanity Colorado Government Relations committee member, and a Micro Business Development Corporation Loan committee member. She’s served on numerous boards, including the Colorado Lending Source and Colorado Capital Alliance Angel Network. She’s authored numerous papers in her field, has conducted public speaking, and is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Legislative Tribute Award in recognition of service to Colorado, an Outstanding Instructor Award through Webster University, an SBA Financial Services Advocate of the Year Award, and a Legislative Tribute Award through the State of Colorado for work in the State Senate.

For more information, visit or

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Howard University Online Executive MBA Launches New Website

Howard University’s School of Business is excited to announce the launch of its new website for the Online Executive MBA: The site features robust content about this distinguished degree, including information about admission requirements, online learning, frequently asked questions about earning an Executive MBA, Howard University’s legacy and tradition, and tuition and financial aid.

The Howard University Online Executive MBA combines Howard’s heritage with the prestige of the School of Business. The convenient online Howard Executive MBA is designed to provide accessible management education to those who work full-time but also have the desire and drive to obtain an executive graduate degree. The program provides a comprehensive understanding of the industry and prepares individuals to strategically think and act from the perspective of senior leadership.

Bookmark the website and check back for periodic updates on networking opportunities, current student profiles, informational videos and program

Interested in speaking with an enrollment advisor now about this program? Contact us today at 1-877- 398-3053.

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The Co-operative’s Lasting Legacy For Young People With A Learning Disability

Young people across the UK with a learning disability have been given over £7 million opportunities to help to realise their potential as The Co-operative unveiled the total amount raised for its charity of the year during 2011.

The grand total reached £7,022, 866 and, the money raised by The Co-operative’s staff, members and customers will allow Mencap and sister charity ENABLE Scotland to launch ‘Inspire Me’ – a new project to provide activities and training that will give thousands of young people with a learning disability the chance to learn new skills and gain access to employment and volunteering opportunities in their communities.

Austin Healey, the former England rugby union player – and a Mencap celebrity ambassador – was on hand as The Co-operative announced the fundraising figure and, actors Sarah Jayne Dunn and Darren Langford also attended the celebration. The figure is the most ever raised by The Co-operative during one of its charity of the year campaigns and, is the highest figure received by Mencap from such a partnership.

Peter Marks, Group Chief Executive of The Co-operative, said: “Eight out of ten children with a learning disability are bullied. Young people with a learning disability face prejudice every day and a lack of opportunities which can make life a desperate struggle.

“The Co-operative is a national brand, but our roots have always been in the community and, it is this shared commitment to community projects that sets us apart. This money will leave behind a lasting legacy for a generation of young people with a learning disability. I am thrilled to say that together, we have been able to take a massive stride towards creating a cultural shift in the way young people are viewed and treated in this country – a key objective of our commitment to “Inspiring Young People”.

Across the country, The Co-operative – which has a retail outlet in every postal region and operates businesses including food, financial services, pharmacy, legal services, funeralcare and farming – has seen its staff, members, customers and suppliers, who were central to the success of raising this amazing amount, put the fun into fundraising. A Santa Dash and abseil, cycle rides, marathons and even a charity single by an employee band featuring Group Chief Executive of The Co-operative, Peter Marks, on drums kept the money flowing in for this worthwhile cause during 2011.

Mark Goldring, Mencap’s Chief Executive, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the support shown by everyone in The Co-operative Group, their fundraising efforts and generosity have made the partnership a great success. I would like to thank the staff, members and customers for helping to raise such a fantastic sum of money which will give thousands of young people with a learning disability the chance to change their future.”

Peter Scott, ENABLE Scotland’s Chief Executive, continued: “We have been astonished at the commitment shown by The Co-operative Group, employees, members and customers. The creativity and generosity of staff has been quite remarkable, and the money raised will give thousands of young people who have a learning disability the opportunity to build a brighter future. ENABLE Scotland would like to thank each and every person who has contributed over the course of the partnership.”

“Inspire Me” will work with local communities to change negative attitudes towards young people with a learning disability. Support will also be available for parents, families and carers with information events on issues including supported living, benefits and leisure activities.

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Huge Demand Inspires Edulabs to Reschedule Critical Webinar Series on Tablet Buying for Education

Edulabs Learning Solutions Ltd., a leading Thai-based innovator of 21st Century electronic teaching systems (, has received overwhelmingly positive daily responses and a higher-than-anticipated demand for its “must attend” Webinar series. The Webinar cover CRUCIAL considerations that buyers of tablets for educational institutions MUST understand before buying. The Webinars became immediately over-subscribed at launch, and so Edulabs Global has decided to re-launch the Webinar series with new times and dates in order to accommodate the increased interest and demand for registered seats.

Gregory Pommerenk, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Edulabs Learning Solutions, Ltd., explains, “There is no doubt that the world-wide demand and excitement for Tablet computers and Smartphones in education is growing stronger and stronger each and every day, and has fueled this increased interest in Edulabs’ Webinar series. With this also comes the need for knowledge and information that will assist the educational communities around the world to make sure that the money they are about to collectively spend is invested wisely, effectively and accurately.”

The digital learning revolution

Schools around the world are starting to proactively adopt mobile learning programs and initiatives, establish or upgrade their broadband infrastructures and also replace traditional textbooks with digital textbooks at an unprecedented rate. Top online learning institutions such as and have created eLearning material which has revolutionized the global education industry.

It is estimated by respected research organizations that in the K-12 (Primary and Secondary) educational sector alone, there will be a need for in excess of 200 million Tablet computers and over 400 million Smartphones within the next 3-5 years. This is not including the huge need and demand in developing countries and underdeveloped areas of countries such as China, India and Brazil, which affects hundreds of millions of school-aged children and teens.

Explosion in educational demand for eLearning solutions.

In today’s interconnected and inter-dependent globalized world, the global community at large has finally awoken to the fact that having billions of uneducated and unskilled people, especially youth, affects the entire world, and is subsequently striving more proactively than ever to improve the state of education amongst youths. Edulabs Global feels that all of these additional areas are poised to soon explode in terms of demand. The countries of Africa, China, India, Brazil and many ASEAN countries have combined populations in excess of 3 billion people, of which hundreds of millions of youth desperately need much improved and affordable educational solutions.

Subsequently, more digital educational content and applications are becoming available at affordable prices and more and more verifiable studies are proving the value of digital web-based education. This in turn prompts more countries, especially developing counties, to get wired with hi-speed infrastructures that are finally including even the most remote and previously unwired areas of these countries.

New times and dates for Edulabs Webinar Series

The new Webinar times and dates will be announced via our website and a formal press release during the week of February 20th, 2012. In addition to the impressive list of guest presenters and speakers that are already confirmed to attend, Edulabs is also in the process of adding several additional Tablet and Smartphone, Cyber-safety, Edu-tech and Digital Contents and Applications (including Digital Textbooks) companies that wish to participate in the Webinar series.

Please stay tuned to the Edulabs web site and news wires for upcoming announcements regarding the new times and dates of the Webinar series, and take part in these“cannot miss” exciting events!

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Inaugural Online Executive MBA Class Begins at Howard University

Howard University announces the start of the inaugural class for its new online degree – the online Executive MBA program. The inaugural class which includes executives and administrators started formal academic training this week after students completed an online orientation session in December. Students in the program will gain a comprehensive understanding of business, and learn to strategically think and act from the perspective of senior leadership.

Drawing upon the legacy of one of America’s top business schools and the nation’s preeminent historically black college, this distinguished program equips mid-career professionals and emerging leaders with the skills and perspective to lead in global business.

“Emerging business leaders from across the nation will attend their first class online as students of Howard University this week,” said Barron H. Harvey, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Business. “We are excited to be the catalyst for this historic milestone at the University.

Consisting of 42 credit hours, the online Executive MBA program is designed to be completed in about 18 months . The online format is designed to deliver a robust management education that is accessible to professionals who desire to work full-time while completing their degree.

The prestigious Howard School of Business is accredited by AACSB International and has been ranked among the top U.S. Business Schools by Bloomberg BusinessWeek. ThePrinceton Review has consistently ranked Howard’s MBA program as the top business program (#1) for the “Greatest Opportunity for Minority Students.” As a result, business professionals will receive instruction from the world-class Howard School of Business faculty, and join a distinguished, global network of the top emerging executives from around the world.

For more information about future academic terms and how to apply for this online MBA program, visit us at

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New York City PE And Health Professionals Support The Inclusion Of Physical Education And Health Education As ‘Core Academic Subjects’

Perhaps in response to a package of five Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) bills introduced on September 15 the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP) has scheduled a ‘mark up’ of ESEA reauthorization language for Tuesday, October 18. This means the full Committee will meet to offer and vote on amendments and then vote the bill out of Committee.

“The introduction of legislative language will certainly help to direct the discussion of what issues and language should be included in any ESEA reauthorization package and could fuel discussion during the Oct. HELP Committee‘mark up’. We expect our legislators to support the bill that will improve current status of physical education and health education. I want to mention that most New York City public schools administrators have very positive perceptions of physical education. Research paper ‘Principals’ Physical Education Perception in New York City Public Schools’ (Howard Z. Zeng, Brooklyn College) published in the Supplement to Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (March 2011) reflects that principals truly view physical education as an academic discipline. They also agree that without PE, our students will not be fully developed. Parents’ perceptions of physical education are positive as well. According to a 2002 study by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), 84% of parents had a positive perception of physical education in general, and 81% of parents believed that daily PE should be mandatory. Additionally, research has shown that 79.3% of parents revealed that their child’s physical education grade was as important as grades earned in academics (James, Griffin and France, 2005),” said Srecko Mavrek, President of Exercise Science/Sports Medicine Section of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD).

Many New York State PE and health professionals have contacted their federal legislators – to work to finalize the language. In their letters to Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles E. Schumer, they urge them to support the inclusion of physical education and health education as ‘core academic subjects’ during the ESEA reauthorization process. A copy of the letter was sent to the U.S. Congressman Jose E. Serrano. This important recognition would have a significant impact on students’ educational outcomes and help them to develop healthy and active lifestyles.

Both quality physical education and health education are critical components of educating the whole child, helping students to become health literate, understand the benefits of a physically active lifestyle, model and practice healthful behaviors, and adopt a lifelong commitment to healthy living. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2006 School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS), only 6.4% of elementary schools, 20.6% of middle schools and 35% of high schools required instruction in all 14 essential health topics. In fact, most students receive only about 4 hours per year of health education. At a time when one-third of our nation’s children are overweight or obese, we must take advantage of every strategy to encourage schools to provide quality physical education, which increases physical competence, physical activity participation and health-related fitness. Moreover, a recent CDC recent report provides evidence that physical education and physical activity can help improve academic achievement, including grades and standardized test scores. It also positively affects cognitive skills and behavior, and enhances concentration and memory.

“Accordingly, New York City PE and health professionals strongly urge their federal legislators to support the inclusion of physical education and health education as‘core subjects’ during the ESEA reauthorization process to improve both the health and academic achievement of our nation’s youth,” said Mavrek.

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Product Design Course Attracting Lots Of Student Enquiries Says Distance Learning Provider

The Interactive Design Institute, the UK’s leading provider of online qualifications in Art & Design is experiencing a high level of interest in their innovative online Product Design course. “Our admissions team is receiving a significant number of enquiries from students looking for an online degree course in Product Design and ultimately, a career in Product Design” reports Michael Stewart, a director with IDI.

“Our Product Design qualification has been specifically developed by the Institute and is accredited by the University of Hertfordshire, one of the UK’s leading universities. At IDI we are confident that our course suits the requirements of students who are aiming to become the Product Designers of the future”.

Throughout the world, the UK is recognised for its strong tradition of excellence in design education. UK Product design courses are based on a combination of sound educational methodology and industry practice that, in turn, generates highly sought after designers, hence the demand that is being experienced by IDI staff.

The Interactive Design Institute is a collaborative partner of the University of Hertfordshire and currently delivers their Product Design qualification to the level of Certificate in Education following one year’s online study, with the Product Design diploma being awarded after two years online study and finally, the degree after three years online study. Product Design students can opt to study all or part of the degree programme online as they also have the option to study any part of their course on an attendance basis at the University of Hertfordshire. In addition, students can choose to study product design on a full or part time basis.

Michael Stewart, director of IDI continues, “Our online Product Design course has been especially written by professional designers, industry practitioners and highly qualified academics for online delivery. Our course is specifically designed to prepare students for employment in a wide range of product design based professions”.

Essentially, IDI’s online Product Design course enables students to study towards a universally recognised degree and therefore entry to a competitive but often lucrative career. Throughout the course students are encouraged to adopt a professional attitude to their studies and the working environment is simulated through a sequence of practical projects which enables them to gain a range of technical skills and professional knowledge. As with all IDI courses, students are encouraged to be experimental and take risks in order to push the boundaries within their own practice. However, this innovative approach is underpinned by solid research work into historical and contemporary practices.

Michael Stewart concludes, “The Interactive Design Institute’s online Product Design degree programme emphasises professionalism and industry relevance. We have experienced a significant demand to provide such a course online and following extensive development work, are delighted to offer our Product Design course for students across the UK and internationally”.

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Online Graphic Design Degree Students Graduate With The Interactive Design Institute

The UK’s leading provider of online qualification in Art & Design, the Interactive Design Institute (IDI) is preparing to celebrate the graduation of the first groups of students from their innovative BA (Hons) Graphic Design degree course. This is the first time students have graduated from a UK BA (Hons) degree in Graphic Design delivered entirely online and the IDI team are delighted:

“At the Interactive Design Institute we are thrilled that our course, which was specifically developed for online delivery and accredited by the University of Hertfordshire, has proved so successful”, says Michael Stewart, director of IDI.

As a collaborative partner of the University of Hertfordshire, one of the UK’s leading universities, the Interactive Design Institute developed the online BA (Hons) in Graphic design over a number of years, with expert input from a variety of sources. IDI also went through a rigorous validation process with the University of Hertfordshire in order to ensure that the quality and standards of their online courses matches the requirements of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) “At IDI, we are aware that the UK has a long tradition of innovation in design and a reputation for the quality of teaching and high standards of research activity in its universities and colleges”, continues Stewart.

“Consequently, we tasked a specially selected group of industry professionals, design practitioners and highly qualified academics with creating course content that would prepare students for entry into a career in the Graphic Design industry”.

The results speak for themselves. Every student in the first group of graduates has not only passed, but achieved commendable grades with two first class, four upper second and two lower second degrees being awarded. Indeed, the independent, external assessors responsible for appraising the students’ work were unanimous in their praise for the high standards achieved.

“This is a remarkable achievement when you consider that only four of these students are based in the UK with the others living in Moscow, Hungary and Trinidad & Tobago”, says Stewart. “To date all communication between students and tutors has taken place within IDI’s bespoke online study environment, IDI-Study, so all are equally keen to attend the University of Hertfordshire’s graduation ceremony scheduled for November 2011”

The Interactive Design Institute is confident that this high level of student achievement is not only an endorsement of their Graphic Design course but for online delivery as a viable alternative to attendance based study.

Michael Stewart continues, “IDI’s BA (Hons) Graphic Design course is our response to the significant number of enquiries we have received over the last few years for a flexible, affordable alternative for those who want to take control of how and when they study. Many of our applications come from working professionals who wish to upgrade an existing design qualification or from those working in other disciplines who would like to retrain but need the flexibility that online study can provide.

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