Category Archives: Studies

Hikari Sato’s journey of study overseas

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Born in Japan in 1993, Hikari Sato showed her talent for drawing when she was in elementary school. While other classmates used paintings to express their joys, sorrows, and childhood, she, on the other hand, liked to depict mountains, fields, streams, and animals. The snow on Mount Fuji and the deer in Nara are all objects she liked to paint.

Having grown up, Hikari Sato hoped to improve her knowledge and perspective so that she can create better arts, and then she began to travel to many countries to find inspiration for her paintings and became a wandering artist. Sometimes She painted graffiti works in the corner of the bustling streets, and other times went to dilapidated villages, painting her inspiration on the bricks and tiles that seem to have been forgotten. Obviously, she prefers to leave her works in different places than in one closed space.

By far, Hikari Sato has left her graffiti works on walls in Tokyo, Osaka, New York, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Toronto, Candelaria, etc. Apart from being an artist herself, she is also an avid groupie. Of course, what she likes is not pop idols, but well-known artists and their works.

“I take time out every year to appreciate other people’s street works, especially in cities that value graffiti culture, where there will be many excellent paintings, and these paintings will give me important inspiration and hints. I think as a person who loves to paint, (she wouldn’t call herself a painter or an artist), learning and thinking are important.”

In Tokyo, Hikari Sato learned how to draw a vivid anime character, and she once stood for a long time under a painting of Astro Boy on the wall just to study the structure of the character. In Europe and America, she saw more works, like caricature paintings and praise paintings, that emphasize content creation.

“Painting is a way of expressing ideas. In many cases, people can understand the author’s idea without explaining.” So she pays great attention to the content expressed in her works. She is not just a painter, she is also an environmentalist. This is because much of the beautiful scenery she could see when she was a child disappeared later. “The colors of my work are changing, and many of the landscapes I could see when I was a kid don’t exist anymore.”

She matured through years of study and street works and also gained a little fame, but she doesn’t care about it. She believes that making meaningful art is the thing that matters the most, and for this reason, she hopes to advocate environmental protection through paintings, reminding people to behave themselves and stop damaging the environment.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus realizará o Seminário do “Testemunho sobre a Realidade das Parábolas, os Segredos do Céu”

LISBON, 31-Dec-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus, o Templo do Tabernáculo do Testemunho realizará o Seminário do “Testemunho sobre a Realidade das Parábolas, os Segredos do Céu. Este seminário será transmitido ao vivo todas as segundas e quintas-feiras às 10h00 (UTC + 9) de 3 de janeiro a 28 de março, focando na compreensão das parábolas registradas no Novo Testamento.

“A parábola é a chave para entender os segredos do céu. As profecias do Antigo Testamento foram cumpridas na primeira vinda de Jesus e Jesus deixou sua profecia do Novo Testamento para ser cumprida “quando chegar a hora” (João 16:25). À medida que essa profecia do Novo Testamento é revelada, avançamos em direção ao seu verdadeiro significado”, disse um oficial da igreja.

O seminário do Apocalipse, que foi transmitido no YouTube nos últimos três meses, foi lançado em 24 idiomas e ultrapassou 7 milhões de visualizações em 136 países, incluindo a participação de 16.000 pastores. Shincheonji a Igreja de Jesus anunciou que 1.200 líderes mundiais de 57 países assinaram um MOU para cooperação internacional e intercâmbio de apoio educacional com a Igreja Shincheonji.

Sobre a assinatura do MOU, o Pastor Jerry Hagerman da Igreja Missionária Wayside na Virgínia, EUA, disse: “Eu quero crescer na palavra e ensinar nossa congregação … e quero me tornar um com o reino de Deus e me comunicar abertamente.”

De acordo com um relatório recente das pesquisas de referência de opinião pública nacional do Pew Research Center em dezembro de 2021, três em cada dez americanos adultos atualmente deixaram a sua religião. Entre os cristãos, os protestantes foram os mais afetados pelo declínio da população religiosa, que diminuiu constantemente de 52% em 2007 para 40% em 2021.

Essa tendência também é observada em outro estudo da Lifeway Research em Nashville. O instituto anunciou que, embora a maioria dos americanos vejam Jesus como um fato histórico, eles religiosamente não têm conhecimento bíblico de por que ele veio. De acordo com o relatório, apenas 9% dos 1.005 entrevistados sabiam que a missão de Jesus era pregar abertamente sobre o cumprimento do Antigo Testamento.

Do outro lado do globo, um número crescente de pessoas estão se aproximando da religião. Ao contrário do declínio nas denominações tradicionais, mais de 140.000 pessoas se juntaram à Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus após o curso de educação bíblica desde 2019 e o subsequente COVID-19.

Um oficial de Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus disse: “Devido ao COVID-19, pessoas em todo o mundo que sofrem de doenças, desastres e sofrimentos estão pensando profundamente sobre o significado da vida e do sofrimento. A religião deve ser capaz de fornecer respostas a essas pessoas. No mundo religioso, onde as atividades face a face são limitadas, a educação deve chegar a todos os indivíduos da comunidade.”

“A Igreja Shincheonji está chamando a atenção das pessoas pela explicação clara da missão de Jesus no Novo Testamento”, acrescentou.

(Você pode assistir ao seminário pesquisando “…” no YouTube ou através do link

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer

KØBENHAVN, Danmark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, en førende global udbyder af Learning Management Technology, har intensiveret sin position pÃ¥ den prestigefyldte Fosway 9-Grid™, en uafhængig vurdering af Learning Management-systemer.

Fosway, Europas #1 HR-brancheanalytiker, er en uafhængig, objektiv gruppe, der analyserer markedsvirkelighederne og yder indsigt i fremtiden for HR, talent og læring. Fosway anerkendte Eurekos-løsningen for sit stærke sæt af funktioner, brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede værktøj til udarbejdelse af indhold, åben arkitektur og høj værdi.

”Eurekos bliver snart det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger læringsindhold af høj værdi og en intuitiv, tilpasselig platform. Vi er meget beærede over at være pÃ¥ Fosway 9-Grid™ blandt de bedste læringssystemer og platforme i verden,” fortæller Anders Willumsen, administrerende direktør for Eurekos. “Det er ogsÃ¥ bemærkelsesværdigt, at Eurekos havde det højeste niveau for databeskyttelsesoverholdelse, ISO 27001 og 27701, i hele 9-Grid™ samt de laveste ejeromkostninger i vores 9-Grid™ -zone.”

”Eurekos hjælper virksomheder med at træne på en global målestok med fokus på det korporative og udvidede enterpriseområde. Vores SaaS-cloudbaserede platform er særligt udviklet til at udmærke sig ved global træning, herunder kunde, medarbejder, salg, overholdelse og kanalpartnertræning samt mere, ” fortsatte Willumsen. “Vores løsning understøtter den samlede kunderejse fra indholdsproduktion til distribution, tilmelding og statistik, og inkluderer værdifuld funktionalitet såsom e-handel for et helt nyt førsteklasses læringsperspektiv.”

Som tilgængelig på mere end 100 sprog har Eurekos bygget en innovativ platform til at reducere omkostningerne og tiden det kræver, at producere og vedligeholde en god læringsoplevelse. Eurekos LMS tilbyder gratis lokale integrationer med nøglesystemer, som virksomheder kan stole på til daglige aktiviteter, herunder MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe og mange flere.

Fosway 9-Grid™ er en unik, 5-dimensionel markedsanalysemodel, der giver objektiv tredjepartsinformation om HR-, talent- og læringsplatforme, baseret pÃ¥ hver løsnings:

• Potentiale, omfang og raffinement.
• Ydeevne og kundesucces.
• Tilstedeværelse på markedet.
• Omkostninger inklusiv erhvervelse, implementering og drift.
• Fremtidig bane og dens indvirkning på markedstendenser.

David Wilson, administrerende direktør for Fosway Group siger: ‘Eurekos har yderligere forøget sit potentiale i 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for læringssystemer, hvilket viser dedikation til produktinnovation og fortsat vækst i Europa.’

Om Eurekos

Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger en komplet opbygget, intuitiv og tilpasselig platform. Eurekos-platformen, der er blevet rost for dens stærke funktionssæt, den brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede oprettelsesværktøjer til indhold, åbne arkitektur og høje værdi. Eurekos-platformen kan nemt integreres med de systemer, som virksomheder er afhængige af til daglige aktiviteter. Denne førsteklasses, udvidede virksomheds-LMS fås på mere end 100 sprog, så virksomheder globalt kan skabe og levere engagerende, interaktivt, mindeværdigt og kraftfuldt træningsindhold. For mere information, besøg

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen

KOPENHAGEN, Dänemark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Lernmanagement-Technologie, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™, einer unabhängigen Bewertung von Lernmanagement-Systemen, weiter ausgebaut.

Fosway, Europas führender Analyst für die Personalbranche, ist eine unabhängige, objektive Gruppe, die die Gegebenheiten des Marktes analysiert und Einblicke in die Zukunft von HR, Nachwuchsgewinnung und Lernen gibt. Fosway würdigte die Lösung von Eurekos für ihren großen Funktionsumfang, die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, das integrierte Tool zur Erstellung von Inhalten, die offene Architektur und den hohen Nutzwert.

„Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen, die hochwertige Lerninhalte und eine intuitive, anpassbare Plattform suchen. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, auf dem Fosway 9-Grid™ unter den besten Lernsystemen und -plattformen der Welt zu sein”, sagte Anders Willumsen, CEO von Eurekos. „Bemerkenswert ist auch, dass Eurekos im gesamten 9-Grid™ den höchsten Grad an Datenschutzkonformität, ISO 27001 und 27701, sowie die niedrigsten Betriebskosten in unserer 9-Grid™-Zone aufwies.”

„Eurekos unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Ausbildung auf globaler Ebene, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmens- und erweiterten Unternehmensbereichen liegt. Unsere SaaS-Cloud-basierte Plattform wurde speziell für globale Trainings entwickelt, darunter Kunden-, Mitarbeiter-, Vertriebs-, Compliance- und Channel-Partner-Trainings und mehr”, so Willumsen weiter. Unsere Lösung unterstützt den gesamten Weg der Kunden, von der Produktion von Inhalten bis zur Verteilung, Aufnahme und Statistik und beinhaltet wertvolle Funktionen wie E-Commerce für eine völlig neue, hervorragende Perspektive auf das Lernen.”

Eurekos ist in mehr als 100 Sprachen verfügbar und hat eine innovative Plattform entwickelt, um die Kosten und den Zeitaufwand für die Erstellung und Pflege einer großartigen Lernerfahrung zu senken. Das Eurekos LMS bietet kostenlose native Integrationen für die wichtigsten Systeme, auf die sich Unternehmen im Tagesgeschäft verlassen, darunter MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe und viele andere.

Das Fosway 9-Grid™ ist ein einzigartiges, 5-dimensionales Marktanalysemodell, das objektive Informationen von Drittanbietern über HR-, Talent- und Lernplattformen auf der Grundlage der einzelnen Lösungen liefert:

• Potential, Umfang und Ausgereiftheit
• Leistung und Kundenerfolge
• Präsenz auf dem Markt
• Kosten, einschließlich Anschaffung, Implementierung und Betrieb
• Zukünftige Entwicklung und Einfluss auf Markttrends

David Wilson, CEO der Fosway Group, sagte: „Eurekos hat sein Potential mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 weiter ausgebaut, was sein Engagement für Produktinnovation und kontinuierliches Wachstum in Europa unterstreicht.”

Four-year qualitative study addressing the social impacts of hate speech, racism and bigotry on social media platforms


SOUTHAMPTON, 20-Sep-2018 — /EPR Education News/ — As social media has experienced considerable exponential growth-rate over the past decade, sadly the same has occurred with online hate speech. Clear evidence of this picture is the fact that different international organisations, including the United Nations Human Rights Council, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, and national governments across Europe; namely the UK, Germany, France and Italy, have demanded that the large corporations behind the major social media platforms do more to address this issue. In fact, recent sociological research reveals that, while more needs to be done at the corporate level, there is also other actions that could be taken by national governments and educational bodies towards changing this picture in the near future.

To this end, Dr Luiz Valerio P. Trindade, has undertaken a four-year qualitative study addressing the social impacts of hate speech, racism and bigotry on social media platforms. Based on that, he has developed key recommendations that could stem the practice and help to prevent this phenomenon taking place and laying the foundations for reducing their occurrence in the years to come. With research revealing that even individual Facebook posts with racist and hate content can continue to engage users for up to 3 years after the initial publication, far from being just one moment of instant communication, hateful posts have a life spam that surprisingly extends over a long period. Perhaps more worryingly, the research evidences that social media is held to be a ‘No Man’s Land’ by the proponents of hate and bigotry, suggesting that these people feel at ease to convey their ideologies believing that authorities cannot reach them.

Dr Trindade has developed clear public policy recommendations that could make a difference towards promoting change in users’ behaviour on social media, such as:

  • Discussing the consequences of online hate speech with secondary school pupils and helping them to develop a clear understanding of the real life’s impacts and consequences of this practice. This is critical because social media is widely used by the 13-17 years-old age group, with over 1.8 million users of this age in the UK alone and 172 million globally.
  • Educational campaigns at national level to highlight the fact that online life is not detached from offline and that, in fact, they are intertwined.
  • Working to ensure that the large corporations behind the major social media platforms have effective and faster processes to remove inappropriate content that’s been flagged up by their users or spotted by their powerful algorithms.
  • Calling for these corporations to clearly highlight to their users that their platforms are not a safe paradise for them to convey racist views or promote bigotry exempt of consequences. Instead, these corporations need to set out clearly that identification data could be disclosed to the authorities, who could then hold them to accountable for their online attitudes.

Dr Trindade, PhD in Sociology by the University of Southampton says, “The increasing trend of construction and dissemination of hate speech, bigotry, misogyny and racism are apparently becoming the ‘new normal’ in the digital landscape across several European countries and also in the UK. Moreover, rather than fading away soon after publication, derogatory posts oftentimes become powerful magnets attracting several new users for the same conversation for up to three years, what can potentially increase the initial harm caused to the victim of the verbal abuse”.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Popular science magazine Scientific European brings cutting edge relevant scientific advances to general audience

Tadworth, Surrey, United Kingdom, 21-Jan-2018 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — UK Education Consultancy Services Ltd announced that the premiere issue of Scientific European® (a popular science magazine) is released today on 19 January 2018.

Abbreviated as SCIEU®, the magazine Scientific European® (pISSN 2515-9534; eISSN 2514-9542) aims to bring current happenings in science to a wider audience to make them aware of advances in the scientific fields. Interesting and relevant ideas from diverse areas of science are conveyed with clarity and concision. The articles present ideas that have already been published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the recent past. It is both online and print magazine released on a monthly basis and is targeted at general readers of all age groups and geographies who are interested in science and technology.

Umesh Prasad, Founder & Editor-in-Chief said ‘’We always thought there was a greater need to bring cutting edge relevant scientific advances to general audience across the globe for their appreciation because at the end of the day science must serve society and intellectual stimulation of the people has the potential to further advance science itself. The idea to launch a popular science magazine titled Scientific European arose out of my discussion with Cambridge alumnus molecular biologist Dr Rajeev Soni and here we are with the maiden issue of Scientific European (SCIEU). With immense pleasure, we bring to you hugely relevant recent scientific advances on six key themes, compiled and presented by Jasmita Gill and I. With this we embark on the eternal journey to bring scientific advances to the living rooms of the people across the world’’.

More information about the magazine can be found at;

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Preply: Identifiez le professeur de votre choix grâce à un site dédié

PARIS, May-16-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Si auparavant, il fallait opter pour un service à domicile, ce n’est désormais plus le cas grâce à l’émergence du Web et de plateformes en ligne comme Avec Internet, vous êtes en mesure de faire appel à des professeurs qui ne seront pas contraints de se déplacer. Il suffit de taper cherche prof pour obtenir une multitude de réponses.

Identifiez le professeur de votre choix grâce à un site dédié

Les cours à domicile existent depuis une multitude d’années, mais le concept a largement évolué ces dernières années. Les parents ou les étudiants qui avaient l’intention d’améliorer leurs connaissances devaient se focaliser sur des petites annonces ou des agences spécialisées. La recherche était à la fois laborieuse, complexe et le rendu n’était pas toujours celui escompté.

Lorsque le Web a commencé à prendre une telle ampleur, certains professeurs ont décidé de partager leurs connaissances en ligne avec deux formats très différents. Le premier est relativement simple puisqu’il consiste à prendre un rendez-vous avec un enseignant de qualité afin de suivre un cours via une messagerie comme Skype.

Avec une consultation via une Webcam, vous pouvez suivre un cours n’importe quand

Votre professeur est de l’autre côté de votre écran et il a les moyens de vous corriger grâce à sa caméra. C’est un concept très intéressant qui permet de supprimer les déplacements tout en optimisant le planning des élèves. Ces derniers ne sont pas contraints d’être à leur domicile pour améliorer leurs compétences. Pendant leur pause déjeuner, ils ont la possibilité de contacter un enseignant qui sera à disposition.

Dans un autre cas de figure, le Web a permis à tous ces professionnels dispatchés dans une multitude de domaines de partager des annonces beaucoup plus facilement. Ils se déplacent donc chez vous, mais ils ont gagné en visibilité. Il suffit généralement de s’inscrire sur une plateforme spécialisée afin de rechercher un tuteur.

Des enseignants qualifiés et propriétaires de vrais diplômes

Généralement, trois étapes sont nécessaires. La première concerne la sélection du tuteur. Une liste est à votre disposition, mais il est tout à fait envisageable de la trier grâce aux nombreux filtres. Par la suite, le professeur identifié reçoit une demande et s’il l’accepte vous serez en mesure de planifier une leçon.

Trouver un bon enseignant sur le Web, c’est donc très facile, il est judicieux de s’attarder sur plusieurs aspects à savoir un site internet sérieux qui a vérifié les compétences des tuteurs. Ces derniers doivent posséder les diplômes nécessaires ou un niveau d’études suffisant pour vous épauler dans cette aventure.

Attention à toutes ces offres gratuites!

Grâce à Internet, il est également possible d’avoir quelques avis ou témoignages laissés par les précédents clients. C’est un concept appréciable notamment pour vous faire une idée concernant les qualités de ce professionnel. Cela vous donne les moyens de cibler rapidement celui susceptible de combler vos attentes.

Sachez qu’il existe bien sûr des formules gratuites sur la toile, mais soyez très vigilant, car ces internautes qui proposent leurs services sur diverses plateformes de vidéo n’ont pas été testés en amont. Vous ne pouvez donc pas être certain que leurs compétences seront suffisantes pour répondre à vos questions et vous aider à progresser.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


MATTHEWS, North Carolina, Mar-01-2017 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — The Hose Company has announced a new $1,000 education scholarship. The Hydrauli-flex Scholarship is designed to assist students in their last year of study, in any field that will utilize hydraulic technology.

“We are pleased to announce this scholarship, which reflects the importance of exploring the use of hydraulics in existing and new technologies” says Robert Smith, Director of Operations of The Hose Company. “The field of hydraulics encompasses the down to earth world of agriculture to the highest levels of space exploration, and we need new ideas and new uses for this technology.”

While the world of hydraulics may not seem as glamorous as other scientific or mechanical pursuits we agree with Mike Rowe, from Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs “there’s still a thing called opportunity, and that is what students need to pursue.” Our scholarship supports students in the pursuit of opportunity.

The scholarship is valued at $1,000 and will be awarded to the winning student based on their essay submission, experience in the field of hydraulics, and recommendations from work, Co-Op, and community sources. The scholarship will be awarded without regard to financial circumstances. However, women in the field, and US Veterans will be given priority.

Students who are US citizens, or in possession of a current student visa, in good academic standing (3.0 or above) in their final year of degree completion at a public or private, 4-year institution, and in a discipline that would utilize hydraulics are eligible for the scholarship.

The online application and additional information can be found at

The deadline for applications is June 30, 2017 with the award to be announced by July 30, 2017. The $1,000 scholarship will be sent directly to the financial office of the attended institution.

For further questions please contact or call 1-800-698-5754 x1812


Sur Preply, 47 000 tuteurs offrent leurs services à plus de 110 000 élèves : 27 langues, 13 matières scolaires

PARIS, 09-Feb-2017 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Preply, plateforme internationale de tutorat et d’études, annonce l’opportunité pour les étudiants et les enseignants français de développer leur carrière dans un monde en constante mutation. Le site aide les utilisateurs à trouver les meilleurs enseignants venus des quatre coins du monde – de Pékin à Paris en passant par Los Angeles – pour se perfectionner en langues étrangères, biologie, sciences humaines et autres sujets. C’est la variété de matières proposées (anglais, poésie et même comédie) qui rend Preply unique. Chaque cours s’articule autour d’étapes progressives visant à aider l’élève à atteindre son objectif principal.

Créé en avril 2013, Preply fonctionne aux États-Unis, en Pologne, en Ukraine, en Russie, au Brésil, et prépare son lancement en France. La société a été fondée par Semyon Dukach, un business angel à la tête de Techstars Boston, et a eu le privilège de figurer parmi les finalistes de Techstars Berlin 2015. En juin 2016, Preply a récolté 1,3 millions de dollars (940 000 euros) lors d’une levée de fonds initiale menée par des investisseurs européens, parmi lesquels Arthur Kosten (co-fondateur de, Mariusz Gralewski (co-fondateur de DocPlanner), Hedgehog Fund et RTAventures VC. Cet investissement a permis de créer une plateforme de qualité, conviviale et facile d’utilisation.

Sur Preply, 47 000 tuteurs offrent leurs services à plus de 110 000 élèves : 27 langues, 13 matières scolaires, mais également des cours de théâtre, de musique, et d’arts plastiques. Les cours de français et d’anglais comptent parmi les plus populaires sur la plateforme. Le tarif des cours sur Preply varie entre 2 et 100 euros de l’heure. Chaque mois, grâce à Preply, les tuteurs inscrits sur la plateforme donnent environ 30 000 heures de cours.

Selon Kirill Bigai, co-fondateur et PDG, “Preply permet un apprentissage flexible organisé par les tuteurs pour répondre aux besoins individuels de chaque étudiant. aide aussi les enseignants, qu’ils soient auto-entrepreneurs, employés à temps partiel ou à temps plein, à trouver de nouveaux étudiants et à créer des processus d’apprentissage continu. Les cours en ligne traditionnels ne sont pas adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque élève et génèrent rarement les résultats escomptés. Cependant, faire appel à un tuteur ‘hors ligne’ s’avère souvent à la fois coûteux et chronophage. est en phase avec la transformation du travail : nos tuteurs sont capables d’enseigner des compétences plus spécialisées et plus fragmentées. Nous croyons véritablement qu’une amélioration continue peut aider qui que ce soit à trouver son rôle dans l’économie moderne.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Learning A Language Abroad

Languages are getting more and more important, especially in our fantastic world of economics and tourism. The best way to learn a language is to learn it there, where the language is spoken.

StudyLingua International Linguistics is a Swiss based company with a large number of language schools all over the world. StudyLingua offers more than 200 schools in 30 countries worldwide. Beside english for foreigner, the company offers spanish, italian, portuguese and french schools.

Furthermore they have language schools in China, Japan, Russia and Germany in their program. Every school is different and offers a various number of different language courses. So it is important to collect the right information first, before booking a language school abroad. Those language courses for adults can be booked from 2 to 12 weeks, long term courses up to 52 weeks. Adults can choose between standard / intensive courses, exam preparation or business courses.

StudyLingua offers a free counseling service, so everybody can easily get all the needed information directly from the company. New at StudyLingua’s program is a language course at teachers home; especially for professionals or for those who expect an intensive and high quality language course. There are teachers available all over the world for almost every language. The quality of leaving is quite high and StudyLingua is able to consider the most of students requests.

Language courses at teachers home is designed and built up on individual needs. Get more specific information about this program by contacting StudyLingua directly. Also juniors are very welcome: StudyLingua offers a large range of junior courses for 12 to 16 years during summer holidays. Together with a language course in the morning hours, the juniors will get a great activity and adventure program in the afternoon. So they could choose between several excursions, beach volleyball, soccer or water sports for example. All juniors / minors are supervised by well educated teachers, 24 hours a day! Juniors usually stay in a campus residence accommodation, some junior programs also offer accommodation in host families. StudyLingua is able to create specific programs for all needs and requests, so feel free to contact StudyLingua at any time.

Get more information about StudyLingua International Linguistics by visiting our websites:

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Train Aid To Provide Distance Learning On It’s PTLLS Training Courses

Teacher training provider Train Aid is looking to allow candidates to study through a distance learning scheme. This brand new scheme will apply to the successful monthly PTLLS Training courses that run in two locations across the capital. The distance learning option will open up affordable training options to candidates who live in neighbouring towns and counties. It is hoped that the new training style will also encourage more people to consider a change of career.

The concept of distance learning allows people to study a subject area in a remote location. Usually courses are taught at a training centre over the course of four days. This in itself can be restrictive, and prevent candidates from enrolling on courses. A distance learning scheme ultimately removes barriers and offers a greater degree of flexibility.

Distance training options have a variety of benefits for a large scope of learning styles. One of the main benefits is that it opens up PTLLS Courses to full time workers / mum’s and Dads who can’t necessarily afford to take four days off work. The new flexible option means candidates can read through and complete assignments at a time which best suits their own calendar. It also helps learners who find that they work best on their own, and at a pace which suits them. The company is looking to accommodate all learning styles, which is something that the PTLLS coordinator was able to elaborate on:

“Train Aid wants to be truly flexible with their training options, and open up courses to more individuals from a variety of backgrounds. This can be achieved by the giving people the option to study away from the training centre, but also brings extra responsibility from the training provider. In order to accommodate this we will offer live support as well as telephone and email backup for candidates”.

So candidates get the opportunity to learn on their own, but with the full support of theirPTLLS Training coordinator. There is only half a day’s contact time required whereby candidates present a micro lesson to their peers. This involves presenting a 15 minute micro lesson on a specialist subject area. By its conclusion the candidate is then ready to change their career by becoming a teacher / trainer.

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Center for Scholastic Inquiry Offers Cost-Free Research Publication to Conference Presenters

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry announced promotional pricing for its upcoming international academic research conference and peer-reviewed academic journals. Professionals and practitioners in the fields of education, business and behavioral sciences who present their academic or action research at CSI’s Scottsdale conference are able to publish the research in one of the company’s refereed journals at no cost.

When behavioral science, education and business practitioners and professionals register to attend and present their research at the Center for Scholastic Inquiry’s InternationalAcademic Research Conference, CSI will waive all submission review and preprocess fees for their corresponding paper to be published. This is a $475.00 savings for those who take advantage of the offer.

“This offer makes presenting and publishing academic and action research achievable and very cost effective,” said Dr. Tanya Yerigan, CEO of the Center for Scholastic Inquiry, “By packaging our conference and publication offering together, we make meaningful professional development manageable for our attendees,”

The academic research conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on April 17, 18 and 19. Attendees can join the conference eve reception, attend the two-day keynote address, and present and hear contemporary research of interest to them during multi-format breakout sessions in four tracks: multidisciplinary, education, behavioral sciences and business. The keynote topic is leadership and will provide action principles and strategies applicable in any education, business or behavioral science field. Read more about full conference details.

Education, behavioral science and business professionals who register for the conference by October 3, 2012, will be eligible for this promotional offer. In addition to cost-free publishing, attendees will promote scholarly research, advance best practice and elevate their professional authority and expertise. Promotion details are available.

Professionals and practitioners interested in attending or presenting can learn more about the conference by visiting CSI’s website ( or contacting the company.

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The Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Academic Research Conference Call for Papers Now Open

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry is pleased to announce its inaugural academic research conference on April 17-19, 2013, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference highlights academic research in education, business and behavioral sciences to support superior, break through scholarship and establish a platform to recognize and celebrate luminaries, pioneers and practitioners in the professions of education, business and behavioral sciences.

The conference, which is being held at a luxury desert resort, will be preceded by a conference-eve reception followed by three days of education, business and behavioral sciences track breakout sessions, morning keynote addresses, and networking gatherings. This inquiry-focused conference, centered on leading edge academic research, is a stimulating and dynamic event aimed at identifying and advancing best practice and promising innovative methods.

The conference call for papers is now open and will close March 15, 2013. Individuals are encouraged to submit proposals that focus on landmark scientific findings, promotion of best practice, advancement of evidence-based practice, ground-breaking research, revolutionary theory or innovative technique in the fields of education, business or behavioral sciences. Guidelines for submissions are available for review.
Early registration for conference attendance is currently open.  Standard registration for conference attendance begins November 1, 2012.  Individuals are welcome to review conference details or take advantage of early registration rates.

About the Center for Scholastic Inquiry
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry was established to provide education, business and behavioral science professionals with a scholarly forum for exploring and sharing the latest academic research in their respective fields.

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Stillpoint Aromatics offers Aromatherapy Workshop Series “The Power of One Drop”

Joy Musacchio and Cynthia Brownley, owners of Stillpoint Aromatics, have launched a series of Aromatherapy workshops that teach proper and safe usage of pure therapeutic essential oils. In addition, the workshops are NCBTMB approved for 19 CEUs each.

Stillpoint Aromatics offers comprehensive Aromatherapy workshops that teach how essential oils are used to maintain physical and energetic health, treat chronic and acute pain, and reduce stress. Participants gain a deeper understanding of Aromatherapy and become proficient in various uses and applications of pure essential oils. These workshops use a hands-on approach where students create and take home customized aromatherapy products valued at over $200.00.

Asked why these courses were created, Brownley responds, “There is just so much mis-information regarding the safe and proper use of essential oils. We have over 22 years experience with the oils, are Certified Clinical Aromatherapists, and have extensive Aromatherapy training in the “French” medicinal technique, as well as the“English” blending method of using essential oils. We are passionate about this powerful alternative approach to health and living life in balance on all levels.”

Joy Musacchio states, “We both have our Masters degrees in Education, so teaching our Aromatherapy courses is a natural progression for us. We love teaching, and our teaching is inspired by the plants, trees, the farmers and distillers. We are continually learning and enjoy sharing our knowledge. Our workshops focus not only on the chemistry and therapeutic properties of essential oils, but also the energetic and vibrational aspect of the oils.

Each of the workshops will focus in-depth on the therapeutic and energetic uses of 25 different oils. The essential oils chosen are specific to the time of the year and the season’s energy. Students can take one, two, three or all four of the workshops. There are no prerequisites and the workshops can be taken in any order. If a student has already attended one of the four, the cost of the remaining workshops is $325.

The next workshop in the series is January 20-22, 2012. With the long awaited arrival of 2012, this workshop will focus on essential oils for “new beginnings” and bringing in the new energy of 2012. Participants will learn how to integrate pure essential oils into their life – to work with the new energies for physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

About Stillpoint Aromatics
Stillpoint Aromatics, based in Sedona, AZ, specializes in genuine and authentic, pure essential oils, aromatherapy consultations, and aromatherapy workshops. For more information about Stillpoint Aromatics or to browse their wide selection of aromatherapy products, visit or call (928) 301-8699.

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Google Earth Contents ‘Nagasaki Archive’ That Told The Real State Of Affairs Of The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Damage Was Released

Nagasaki Archive Committee and Hidenori Watanave Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University released Google Earth contents “Nagasaki Archive” that told the real state of affairs of the Nagasaki atomic bomb damage. This project synchronizes with Twitter and Second Life.

Google Earth Contents 'Nagasaki Archive' That Told The Real State Of Affairs Of The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Damage Was Released

– Official Website:

– Project concept:

The following contents are available.

1) Nagasaki Archive

Nagasaki Archive is the web content to tell the world the reality of the atomic bomb on interactive archive of the digital globe.

Nagasaki Archive provides a lot of photos and experiences of survivors in 3D using with digital globe “Google Earth”. You can see photos from the same angle they were taken 65 years ago, and also you click the portrait of survivors to read their experiences and wishes assosiated with the actual location they were exposed to A – bomb. (The experience stories of six people are translated into English now. Other stories are displayed in Japanese.) In addition, we displays photos of the current Nagasaki so that you intuitively understand how this city subsequently achieved the reconstruction across time and space. Nagasaki Archive is long-term project to proceed. We will work on this project continuously with collecting data, and now we will cover A-bomb of Hiroshima In the near future.

2) Message Cloud

Message Cloud is a project to map thoughts on peace via E-mail and Twitter. Please e-mail us or tweet your thought on peace, and it will float on the sky of Nagasaki on 3D digital globe “Google Earth”. We are now asking for your message about this project through Twitter and Email. More detailed information is in above-mentioned URL.

3) Online Event

The space that exhibits contents of the Nagasaki atomic bomb and peace on Second Life is constructed. The demonstration play of Second Life and an image movie concerning the atomic bomb will be delivered with Ustream. More detailed information is in above-mentioned URL.

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The ICMA Centre Announces Launch of its Advanced Diploma in Investment Compliance

The ICMA Centre and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) have announced the most comprehensive programme for compliance professionals currently available in the financial markets – the Advanced Diploma in Investment Compliance.

The new programme builds on the success of the Diploma in Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance, launched in 2006 by the University of Reading and FINRA, by embedding the most successful UK industry qualification – the CISI Diploma in Investment Compliance – within an enhanced training programme for compliance professionals.

Professor John Board, director of the ICMA Centre commented: “The merging of these qualifications will lead to a cleaner and better defined route to the professional certification and demonstration of competence that is so much in demand following the financial crisis”.

The Centre also offers a compliance finance degree programme titled MSc Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance which was developed to meet the growing need for compliance trained graduates. Launched in 2006, the degree is attracting a great amount of interest from those already working in the financial markets and pre-experience graduates.

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ICMA Centre Executive Education Contributes To Henley Business School Financial Times Rankings

Henley Business School’s position as a world-ranked provider of executive education has been confirmed by the results of the Financial Times Executive Education Ranking published 10 May 2010. This is the first year that the ICMA Centre has contributed to the Business School’s entry.

ICMA Centre Executive Education Contributes To Henley Business School Financial Times Rankings

Henley Business School’s standing as a world class education establishment has again been confirmed by the results of the latest Financial Times Executive Education Ranking which were published on 10 May 2010. Ranking 33rd worldwide in a composite listing for open and custom executive education programmes. The overall results of this survey reflect the efforts and success of Henley Business School following the merger in 2008. The result highlights the way the School of Management’s business and leadership programmes are now complemented and strengthened by the ICMA Centre’s finance executive education programmes.

John Board, director of the ICMA Centre commented: “The merger with Henley has enabled us to work together on new and innovative executive programmes by combining the expertise of the schools within the faculty.”

The main strength of the combined organization is the international focus which it has been able to maintain with its international clients, international participants and international delivery – across Europe, Sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia. The ICMA Centre has long offered a comprehensive range of custom programmes for international institutions such as the Bank of China, KSDA (Korean Securities Dealers Association) and the Qatar Stock Exchange. Henley is now ranked 15th in the world for the breadth and depth of its international clients within its custom programmes.

The ICMA centre provides financial degree courses in addition to specialised Islamic finance courses.

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ICMA Centre To Partner CISI And FINRA On Diploma In Investment Compliance

The ICMA Centre at the Henley Business School, The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) of the US have announced that they have joined forces to support and enhance education, training and certification in financial compliance.

ICMA Centre To Partner CISI And FINRA On Diploma In Investment Compliance

The CISI is the largest and most widely respected professional body for those who work in the securities and investment industry in the UK and abroad. It has developed a suite of well recognised and supported programmes centered around product knowledge and regulation to support practitioners in the financial services industry.

Since 2006, the ICMA Centre and FINRA have developed and offered a highly regarded Diploma in Capital Markets Regulation and Compliance aimed at mid-level securities professionals. With the development of the CISI’s Diploma in Investment Compliance, the industry was faced with two seperately recognised routes to certification, and it was agreed that, by joining forces, the parties can work together to enhance the professional credentials of capital market practitioners in the UK better.

The agreement will mean that those who have already achieved the Diploma in Capital Markets Regulation and Compliance will become members of the CISI and those with a partially completed qualification will receive appropiate exemptions from the jointly supported Diploma in Investment Compliance. In addition, the ICMA Centre will work with the CISI to deliver advanced certification for those who have completed the Diploma in Investment Compliance and whose needs are for expanded coverage of topics required by senior compliance staff on financial institutions. Additional details will be published at in the future.

In announcing this new collaboration, Simon Culhane, Chartered FCSI and CEO of the CISI said: “We are very pleased to be working with the ICMA Centre and FINRA – two highly respected institutions that have a long history in capital markets education and training.”

About the ICMA Centre
The ICMA Centre at Henley Business School, University of Reading has an international reputation for being the premier institution in Europe for academic and executive education for financial markets, including studies into investment management,corporate finance leading to students attaining their financial degrees.

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ICMA Centre Announced As Top European School In Financial Trading Competition

The ICMA Centre has proved that it is one of the top finance schools in the world, coming joint 4th out of a field of 44 international schools in the 2010 Rotman International Trading Competition held at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. This result is in line with the ICMA Centre’s track record of finishing in the top 10, and usually top 5, in all previous Rotman competitions.

ICMA Centre Announced As Top European School In Financial Trading Competition

The team of four traders – Ioannis Oikonomou, Dimitris Korovilas, Aditya Pandit and Juan Cepeda Murcia – beat a veritable who’s who of corporate finance schools to take joint fourth place. Top place went to MIT while the closest European university was Luiss University which came 30th, and the next UK school was CASS Business School which was ranked in 33rd place.

The competition involved a series of different assessed cases that required trading either in an electronic environment or in the trading pit. Competitors had to trade a variety of financial instruments including corporate bonds, energy futures, stocks that were simultaneously traded in different markets, and futures on a stock index.

“As recent events in world markets have shown only too clearly, skill and competence in trading and analysis are critical both to success and to survival in modern markets. This result shows that our graduates are among the best in the world and that the time and effort invested in our dealing rooms and our trading simulation software (ICTrader) was well spent – to the benefit of us and future members of the finance professions,” said Dr Michael Smith, dealing room director at the ICMA Centre.

“Making it to the top of the competition requires a very diverse set of skills. One has to be numerical enough to create the appropriate pricing models, and strategic enough to find the most efficient ways to trade,” commented Ioannis.

“Being in the trading pit during the quantitative outcry session and trading against 87 people from top schools, some of them with significant trading experience, was like being thrown into a pool of sharks,” added Dimitris.

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The World’s First Ever ‘Drowsy Driving’ Educational Handbook Published

People are finally being told the truth about the dangers of “drowsy driving”, largely thanks to the efforts of sleep safety researcher and campaigner Martin Jenkins.

Jenkins’s educational campaign has this week taken a major step forward with the World-wide publication of his drowsy driving handbook, AKILLA® “In the blink of an eye”, on Amazon Kindle.

Described by Jenkins as a “passport to survival”, In the blink of an eye presents readers with the facts on drowsy driving and what can and should be done to address this hazard to road users.

“In the blink of an eye” aims to fill the knowledge gap by telling you the must knows about ‘drowsy driving’, says Jenkins.

“It identifies the causes of drowsy driving – when, where and why you are most at risk to drowsy driving such as afternoon driving, after a plane flight or fast food or while on medication. It then tells you what are the best ways for you to avoid drowsy driving and the steps you can take to minimise your risk of being a drowsy driver.

“This book dispels some drowsy driving myths. It tells you what things won’t revive you when you are feeling drowsy.”

While drowsy driving has long been recognised in some countries as a major killer on the roads, it has been largely ignored or downplayed by transport authorities and policymakers.

The attitude of complacency and unwillingness to face up to the reality of drowsy driving prompted Jenkins to launch his campaign and to write the book to wake up all road-users to the dangers of drowsy driving and educate them on how to recognise and minimise drowsy driving risk factors.

Visit the following Amazon Kindle link to purchase AKILLA ‘In the blink of an eye’

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